Calcium-stannous oxide solid solutions for solar devices

Ned Taylor, Arnaldo Galbiati, Monica Saavedra, and Steve Hepplestone have just published an article exploring the potential of calcium-doped stannous oxide, (Sn:Ca)xO, for its potential as an active layer in a solar device. By identifying a suitable oxide active layer, the authors hope to design an all-oxide solar cell. This work was performed by Ned and Steve at the University of Exeter whilst working with Solaris Photonics.

In this article, the authors explore how doping stannous oxide, SnO, with calcium affects the electronic and optical properties. It is determined that a doping concentration of x=7:1 results in the most favourable properties for photovoltaic applications – a direct band gap of 1.5 eV. The study is expanded upon by exploring potential transport layers for this particular solid solution. CaO and TiO2 are identified as potential candidates for the hole and electron transport layers, respectively.

A potential all-oxide solar cell design is put forward by the authors, CaO/(Sn:Ca)7:1O/TiO2. It is hoped that this study grow new interest in all-oxide solar cells, which have been touted as potential replacements for current silicon solar cells due to their possible improved stability and efficiency, and reduced environmental and economic costs.

To find out more, follow the link to the article:

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