ARTEMIS is a code developed by the Hepplestone Research Group for the purpose of aiding users in identifying the most energetically favourable interface between any two structures (i.e. crystals or pre-generated slabs).

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The software is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0) License. As such, the software is free to use. Please cite the following works in all papers using ARTEMIS:

“ARTEMIS: Ab initio restructuring tool enabling the modelling of interface structures”, Computer Physics Communications 257 (2020) 107515, N. T. Taylor, F. H. Davies, I. E. M. Rudkin, C. J. Price, T. H. Chan, S. P. Hepplestone.


The ARTEMIS logo should be used on slides and posters that present work in which the ARTEMIS software was used to generate structures. The colour logo should be used where possible.


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Logo reverse colours

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Logo black and white

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All logos designed by the Hepplestone Research Group, with creative input from Elizabeth L. Martin.